Starting in 1997, Tri-County Center, Inc. is managed by a Membership Counsel. This Counsel holds quarterly meetings and represents the group conscience of Membership. These meetings are extremely important to discuss important issues and make decisions that have an impact. These meetings will be announced a minimum of three (3) weeks prior.
The only requirement for Membership to the Center and attendance of Counsel meetings is the same as that for a closed A.A. meeting, the expression of the desire to quit drinking alcohol. Members may only vote after maintaining a minimum of one (1) year of continuous sobriety prior to the date of the meeting.
From the Membership, a Chairperson, a vice-Chairperson, a Liaison, and three (3) Financial Committee members are elected at the Counsel’s annual election. Additionally five (5) Members are elected to a Nomination Committee. This committee is responsible for nominating eligible Members for election to the Board of Trustees. All Elected Positions on the Membership Counsel are unpaid and terms are for a single year.
Upcoming Membership Counsel Meetings